How did we manage to take care of Finland's blood supply last year? In the Blood Service's new annual report 2023, you will find key figures and statistics, as well as reviews of the most important…
The application period for 2024 grants from the Blood Service Research Fund has opened to researchers. The purpose of the grants is to support research related to current and future Blood Service…
The Blood Service has started testing blood donors for hepatitis E as hepatitis E infections have increased in Finland in the beginning of this year. There have been no reported cases of hepatitis E…
Jari Martelin has been appointed as the new laboratory director of the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service (FRCBS) production laboratory. He will start his position on May 6, 2024.
It is important that enough donors lend a helping hand on the days leading up to and immediately after Easter. The Blood Service centres are closed on Good Friday March 29th but open on Easter…
The act regulating the operations of biobanks will change at the beginning of 2024. No new members will be able to join the Blood Service Biobank during January-February 2024.
The Blood Service will test emergency communication tools on its website and in its mobile application on 25 January. The test will not require any action from blood donors.
From 15 January 2024, blood donors will be able to donate at the Blood Service’s new site at the Jumbo-Flamingo shopping centre in Vantaa. The new donation site is located on the second floor of…
Jan Koski, MSc, a project researcher at the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, defended his doctoral thesis on enhancing CAR T cell therapy at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Medicine on…
The Blood Service will be closed on 6 December for Independence Day. Holidays that fall on weekdays increase the need for blood donors on other days of the month as patients still need blood products…
It will soon be possible to donate plasma at the Blood Service when plasmapheresis will be resumed after a break of several years. There is a shortage of plasma raw material in Europe and the use of…