Doctoral dissertations

Markkinen Salla. Extended histocompatibility: Genomic prediction of kidney transplant outcomes. Helsingin yliopisto, 2024.

Koski Jan. Enhancing CAR T-cell function through structural modifications and small-molecule drugs. Helsingin yliopisto, 2023.

Johansson Tiira. RNA-based next generation sequencing approaches in HLA genotyping and HLA expression quantification. Helsingin yliopisto, 2022.

Holopainen Minna. The role of bioactive lipid mediators and extracellular vesicles in mesenchymal stromal cell immunomodulation. Helsingin yliopisto, 2020.

Linjama Tiina. Aspects of HLA in hematological stem cell transplantation. Helsingin yliopisto, 2020.

Oja Sofia. Culture Systems and Quality Parameters for Clinical-grade Mesenchymal stromal cells. Helsingin yliopisto, 2020.

Valkonen Sami. Extracellular Vesicles and Nanoerythrosomes: The Hidden Pearls of Blood Products. Helsingin yliopisto, 2019.

Peräsaari Juha. The relevance of donor-specific HLA antibodies in renal transplantation. Helsingin yliopisto, 2018.

Kaartinen, Tanja. In vitro cell expansion and CTLA4 in advanced T-cell therapies. Helsingin yliopisto, 2017.

Kilpinen Lotta. The impact of membrane phospholipid composition and extracellular vesicles on the immunoregulative properties of human mesenchymal stromal cell. Helsingin yliopisto, 2017.

Laitinen, Anita. The establishment of efficient methods to culture immunosuppressive mesenchymal stromal cells from cord blood and bone marrow. Helsingin yliopisto, 2016.

Hirvonen, Tia. Glycan binding proteins in therapeutic mesenchymal stem cell research. Helsingin yliopisto, 2014.

Suila, Heli. Glycobiological insights in characterization and targeting of umbilical cord blood derived stem cells. Helsingin yliopisto, 2014.

Palo, Riikka. Epidemiology of blood component use in Finland. Helsingin yliopisto, 2013.

Hiltunen, Leena. Factor V Leiden as risk factor for pregnancy complications. Epidemiological study of Finnish women. Helsingin yliopisto, 2011.

Juutistenaho, Sari. New approaches to improve the cord blood unit hematopoietic progenitor cell content. Helsingin yliopisto, 2010.

Haimila, Katri. Genetics of T cell co-stimulatory receptors -CD28, CTLA4, ICOS and PDCD1 in immunity and transplantation. Helsingin yliopisto, 2009.

Veihola, Marketta. Technical efficiency of blood component preparation in blood centres of 10 European countries. Helsingin yliopisto, 2008

Anderson, Heidi. Transcriptome and glycome profiling of human hematopoietic CD133+ and CD34+ cells. Helsingin yliopisto, 2008.

Alakulppi, Noora. Genetic aspects of outcome in kidney transplantation: cytokine and thrombosis associated candidate genes and gene expression biomarkers. Helsingin yliopisto, 2008.

Javela, Kaija. Laboratory analyses for evaluation of platelet disorders and platelet concentrates. Helsingin yliopisto; 2006.

Aroviita, Pekka. Cord blood haematopoietic stem cell units for transplantation. Helsingin yliopisto; 2005.

von Bonsdorff, Leni. A pharmaceutical human apotransferrin product for iron binding therapy. Helsingin teknillinen korkeakoulu; 2003.

Karell, Kati. Dissecting genetic susceptibility to gluten sensitivity: HLA-linked risk factors in coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. Helsingin yliopisto; 2003.

Jaatinen, Taina. Genetic Studies of the Human Complement C4 Region in MHC Class III. Helsingin yliopisto; 2002.

Holopainen, Päivi. Genetic susceptibility to celiac disease: HLA-unlinked candidate genes. Helsingin yliopisto; 2002.

Capraro, Leena. Transfusion practices in elective surgical procedures in Finnish hospitals. Helsingin yliopisto; 2001.

Joutsi-Korhonen, Lotta. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Detection of platelet-associated IgG, reticulated platelets and platelet Fcγ receptor polymorphism in thrombocytopenic patiens. Helsingin yliopisto; 2000.

Sainio, Susanna. Immune thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. Helsingin yliopisto; 2000.

Kekomäki, Satu. Clinical significance of platelet alloantigens. Helsingin yliopisto; 1999

Koskela, Satu. Genetics of the platelet glycoprotein Ib/IX/V complex in families with Bernard-Soulier syndrome and in the normal population of Finland. Helsingin yliopisto; 1999.

Sirén, Marja-Kaisa. Predisposing HLA alleles in congenital heart block. Immunogenetic studies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1998.

Levo, Antti. From mutations to migrations. A genetic and genealogic study of steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) deficiency in Finland. Helsingin yliopisto; 1998.

Polvi, Anne. Genetic susceptibility to celiac disease: Major histocompatibility complex genes in celiac disease and in its animal model. Helsingin yliopisto; 1998.

Hiippala, Seppo. Replacement of surgical blood loss with colloids and plasma-poor red cells with special reference to plasma colloid osmotic pressure and hemostatic factors. Helsingin yliopisto; 1996.

Koskinen, Sinikka. Primary selective IgA deficiency in healthy blood donors. A follow-up study of 20 years. Helsingin yliopisto; 1996.

Westman, Pia. MHC genetics of HLA-B27-positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis or reactive arthritis. Studies of six gene loci centromeric to HLA-B. Helsingin yliopisto; 1996.

Tiirikainen, Maarit. Detection of intracellular antigens by flow cytometry. Evaluation of a new permeabilization method for the detection of intracellular antigens in hematological malignancies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1995.

Oksanen, Kalevi. Leukocyte-depleted blood components in hematologic malignancies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1994.

Kolho, Elina. Hepatitis C virus antibodies in Finnish blood donors. Helsingin yliopisto; 1994.

Jouhikainen, Taneli. Lupus anticoagulant. Detection and clinical significance. Helsingin yliopisto; 1993.

Kuitunen, Anne. Hemostasis after cardiopulmonary bypass. Helsingin yliopisto; 1993.

Koistinen, Vesa. The alternative pathway of complement. Studies on interactions of C3b with ligands, with special emphasis on factor H. Helsingin yliopisto; 1993.

Laitinen, Tarja. Major histocompatibility complex and recurrent spontaneous abortions. Helsingin yliopisto; 1993.

Nieminen, Urpo. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Serological and clinical studies in patients with idiopathic, drug-induced and post-vaccination thrombocytopenia. Helsingin yliopisto; 1992.

Lokki, Marja-Liisa. Immunogenetic studies of MHC complement BF and C4 alleles. Helsingin yliopisto; 1991.

Ebeling, Freja. Post-transfusion hepatitis in Finland. Helsingin yliopisto; 1991.

Petäjä, Jari. Fibrinolysis and venous thrombosis. Physiological and pathophysiological studies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1989.

Partanen, Jukka. Genetic polymorphism of human HLA-linked complement C4 genes. Helsingin yliopisto; 1987.

Syrjälä, Martti. 111In-granulocyte scintigraphy. Methodological and clinical studies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1987.

Sistonen, Pertti. The LW (Landsteiner-Wiener) blood group system. Elucidation of the genetics of the LW blood group based on the finding of a “new” blood group antigen. Helsingin yliopisto; 1984.

Verkasalo, Matti. Tissue antigens and clinical risk factors in intestinal cow’s milk allergy and coeliac disease in children. Helsingin yliopisto; 1982.

Rasi, Vesa. Plasma ß-thromboglobulin. Methodological and clinical studies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1982.

Himberg, Jaakko-Juhani. Optimization and validation of gas-chromatographic drug assays for pharmacokinetic studies. A model study with four benzodiazepines. Helsingin yliopisto; 1982.

Linko, Kai. Warming of stored blood for massive transfusions. Helsingin yliopisto; 1979.

Kekomäki, Riitta. The detection of platelet-reactive IgG. The use of human blood platelets and radiolabelled staphylococcal protein A. Helsingin yliopisto; 1979.

Ukkonen, Pentti. Hepatitis B surface antigen subtypes and e antigen. Methodological and epidemiological studies. Helsingin yliopisto; 1978.

Kaakinen, Aulikki. Identification, genetics and significance of the HLA-D determinants. Tampereen yliopisto; 1978.

Eklund, Jarl. Prevention of Rh immunization in Finland. A national study, 1969 – 1977. Helsingin yliopisto; 1978.

Suomela, Hannu. Human blood coagulation factor IX. Preparation of a factor IX concentrate for therapeutic use; the purification, characterization and function of factor IX. Helsingin yliopisto; 1977.

Koistinen, Jukka. Studies of selective deficiency of serum IgA and its significance in blood transfusion. Helsingin yliopisto; 1975.

Jalonen, Kari. Genetic control of coumarin anticoagulant metabolism in the rat. Helsingin yliopisto; 1974.

Helske, Timo. Carriers of hepatitis B antigen and transfusion hepatitis in Finland. Helsingin yliopisto; 1974.

Myllylä, Gunnar. Aggregation of human blood platelets by immune complexes in the sedimentation pattern test. Helsingin yliopisto; 1973.

Kotilainen, Martti. Platelet kinetics in normal subjects and in haematological disorders. Helsingin yliopisto; 1969.

Häyry, Pekka. The role of factors in fresh serum in the attachment and growth of HeLA cells on glass. Helsingin yliopisto; 1966.

Pyörälä, Kalevi. Determinants of the clotting factor response to warfarin in the rat. Helsingin yliopisto; 1965.

Vuopio, Pekka. Red Cell enzymes in anemia. Helsingin yliopisto; 1963.

Ikkala, Eero. Haemophilia. A study of its laboratory, clinical, genetic and social aspects based on known haemophiliacs in Finland. Helsingin yliopisto; 1960.

Nevanlinna, H.R. Factors affecting maternal Rh immunisation. Helsingin yliopisto; 1953