The practicalities of stem cell donations


The Stem Cell Registry takes care of the extensive insurance cover required for stem cell donors.

Reimbursement of expenses

When you donate stem cells as a member of the Stem Cell Registry, all expenses resulting directly from your donation, such as accommodation and travel expenses, loss of income from your primary occupation and reasonable meal expenses, are reimbursed. No reward is paid for stem cell donations.

Sick leave

The donor receives about a week of paid sick leave when they donate. The Blood Service pays any expenses resulting from the sick leave.

The doctor who performs the physical examination will give you a certificate for the examination, and the doctor responsible for the stem cell collection will give you a certificate for the collection when you go in for the procedure.

Recovery and risks

Collection from the bloodstream

  • Collection of stem cells from blood does not notably lower the donor’s haemoglobin.
  • The growth factor treatment may cause pain due to the increased number of cells in your bone marrow. This pain can be treated with normal painkillers.

Collection from bone marrow

  • The donor’s haemoglobin levels will fall temporarily but will return to normal within a few weeks.
  • Collection areas may be tender for about a week after the donation.
  • The process will leave some needle marks on the skin, but they are not very visible and usually temporary.
  • Some donors experience fatigue for a few days after the donation.


We hope that you make the decision to join independently and after careful consideration.

Donors have the right to withdraw their consent before donation, but this decision must be made promptly. Withdrawing your consent too late will likely lead to the death of the patient.