Scientific Research

Blood Service performs active scientific research. We want to increase biomedical knowledge on our areas of expertise.

Blood Service Biobank

The Blood Service Biobank collects samples and data for research purposes from blood donors from all over Finland. Our collection of samples and related data can be released for high-quality scientific studies.

Biobank services for researchers

Blood Service Research Fund

The Research Fund of the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service awards grants to scientific projects that support the implementation of the Blood Service’s research strategy.

Blood Service Research Fund

Scientific Publications

Research staff at the Blood Service are active producers of topical scientific publications, doctoral dissertations and other academic theses every year.

See all publications

Blood donation research

Voluntary blood donors are at the core of all blood banking in Finland. FRCBS takes care of our donors in many ways, also through scientific research.

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Pipetting the biobank sample.

Blood cell research

Studies on red cells and platelets and on blood products derived from these cells are natural part in the Blood Service R&D portfolio.

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A scientist looks through a microscope.

Transplantation Genomics

The research of the blood transfusion, cell, and tissue transplant compatibility serves as the scientific basis shared by all the Blood Service's laboratories.

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A researcher's hand uses tweezers to place a cell vial in a box.

Cell therapy

The focus of our cell therapy research lies in translational cell therapy research, the biology of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells and novel immunotherapies.

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Blood donation

The Blood Service is looking for people with a rare blood group – using a computer-based screening method

There are many more different blood groups than the eight basic blood groups taught in school biology textbooks. As the demographic structure changes, so does the need for donors. The Blood Service is…

Two blood donating men chats with the Blood Service's nurse.
Blood donation

Check out the annual report 2023

How did we manage to take care of Finland's blood supply last year? In the Blood Service's new annual report 2023, you will find key figures and statistics, as well as reviews of the most important changes…

A scientist looking into a microscope.

The application period for Blood Service research grants for 2024 is now open

The application period for 2024 grants from the Blood Service Research Fund has opened to researchers. The purpose of the grants is to support research related to current and future Blood Service products…

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Jan Koski defended his thesis on CAR T cell therapies

Jan Koski, MSc, a project researcher at the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, defended his doctoral thesis on enhancing CAR T cell therapy at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Medicine on Friday…