How to apply for biobank material for research purposes
You can apply for material from the Blood Service Biobank for high-quality scientific research. The Biobank has a straightforward process in place for dealing with applications for material and for releasing material for research purposes.

The application process
Please first familiarize yourself with the material we offer on the Biobank Material page.
If you need assistance regarding the availability of the material, you can contact our experts via email at
You can also make a preliminary inquiry about the desired material. With a preliminary inquiry, we can, if necessary, map out in advance whether the samples and data desired for the research are available in the biobank and whether the biobank’s materials are suitable for the research in question. The biobank processes the preliminary inquiry and provides a written response. The response to the preliminary inquiry is not binding but a preliminary answer regarding the availability of the materials. A handling fee according to the Blood Service’s price list is charged for the preliminary inquiry in connection with the actual material transfers.
You can complete the preliminary enquiry form here (pdf).
Preparing an application for material
You can obtain the forms needed for the material application by contacting our experts via email at The Blood Service Biobank provides the researcher with the forms, information on the required attachments, and instructions for preparing the application.
The following attachments should be submitted:
- Research plan
- Data management report (report on the processing of samples and data, list of persons processing data)
- CV of the researcher in charge
- Report on the ethical aspects of the research project (opinion by the relevant Ethics Committee)
- Other attachments required (as necessary).
We will gladly help you prepare your application and answer any questions you may have!
How the Biobank processes applications for material
Experts from the Biobank and the Blood Service will review the application for material and submit a recommendation to the Director of the Biobank. The Biobank will request further information regarding the application and its attachments if necessary. The final decision on the release of material will be made by the Director of the Biobank. The decision may be favourable, unfavourable or conditional.
The decision and the reasons for it will be submitted to the applicant in writing. The applicant may supplement the application and submit it to the Biobank for repeat review. An appeal against the decision may be lodged with the Regional Administrative Court.
During the assessment, special attention will be given to the following:
- The compatibility of the research project with the Blood Service Biobank’s research area
- The research project’s scientific and technological quality, ethical aspects and data protection
- The adequacy of the project’s resources in relation to the research plan
- The adequacy of samples in the Biobank in relation to the samples requested
- Any overlap with other ongoing research projects that are utilising material from the Blood Service Biobank.
Agreeing on the release of material
After a favourable decision, details of the project implementation will be agreed on and a preliminary price estimate provided. The Blood Service Biobank will prepare a material release agreement (MTA or Project Agreement for Biomaterials, Data and Services) which the researcher and a representative from their organisation must sign before material is released. The organisation concerned may be a Finnish or an international research facility or company.
The agreement outlines the release of samples and data to the applicant, the applicant’s reporting obligations, the return of data to the Biobank, the fees payable to the Biobank, and other matters related to the release.
By signing the agreement, the applicant undertakes to process the data provided in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Agreement (EU 2016/679) and the Data Protection Act (5 Dec 2018/1050). The agreement stipulates the duration for which the samples and data are to be stored, and the principles behind their destruction after the end of the research project.
Release of material from the Biobank
Material will be supplied to the researcher in coded form with due respect for data security as stated in the material release agreement. The time required to release the material requested depends on the amount of the material concerned and the types of sample and data requested.
Publication of research results and returning data to the Biobank
The Biobank Act (688/2012) requires that all studies utilising biobank material must be made public. The Blood Service Biobank must also be mentioned in any research publications. On its website the Blood Service Biobank publishes the names of all research projects with short descriptions prepared together with the researcher, the name of the researcher in charge, and any links to scientific publications.
The Biobank and the researcher will agree in the material release agreement which individual results and/or raw data obtained from the samples are to be returned to the Biobank for use in other Biobank research. The Biobank and the researcher may agree that research results will be disclosed for use by other researchers only after they have been published.
The Blood Service Biobank complies with the pricing principles approved by the Blood Service. The final price will be determined according to the amount and type of material and any additional work required by the project concerned. A preliminary price estimate can be requested from the Biobank during the preliminary enquiry stage.
Satu Koskela
Biobank specialist, processing of applications for material