Contact us

On this page you’ll find Blood Service’s contact info as well as a feedback form and a form for ordering materials.

Finnish Red Cross Blood Service

Härkälenkki 13

01730 Vantaa

Tel. +358 29 300 1010

Blood donors

Free donor helpline 0800 0 5801 (Mon to Fri 8 am to 5 pm).

Give us feedback

You can give us feedback by clicking the button below.

Order materials

You can order materials (e.g. brochures) by clicking the button below.

For media

Our communications professionals help you to find information and experts.

Stem Cell Registry

tel. +358 29 300 1515,

eFax 09 454 6197

Research & Development

Biomedicum Helsinki 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki

Research Director Jukka Partanen,

Blood Service’s Biobank

Biobank director Kimmo Pitkänen


Price of calls from landline 0,0835 €/puh + 0,0691 €/min and from mobile 0,0835 €/puh + 0,1669 €/min.