Donor survey: The Blood Service’s ability to provide a Finnish blood supply service was rated excellent

After the bridge accident that occurred in Espoo on 11.5.2023, the Blood Service conducted a donor survey to find out how blood donors experienced communications related to the major incident.

The survey was sent between 11.-17.5. to donors who had given consent and provided their email address. 1392 blood donors responded to the survey. The Blood Service would like to thank everyone who responded to the survey, as it provided important information for the development of communications about major incidents.

The survey revealed that nationally, around one-third of those who had attended a donation event had noticed the Blood Service’s major incident communications, and of these donors, over half said the communications had affected their decision to donate. People often react more strongly if an incident takes place close by. More than half of the donors who visited the Espoo donation point had seen the communications and around 75% of donors said it had contributed to the decision to donate blood.

Donors felt that the Blood Service’s messages were clear (avg 8.9 on a scale of 1–10) and rated the Blood Service’s communications as successful overall in the event of the major incident (avg 8.8 on a scale of 1–10). Donors’ trust in the Blood Service is strong, as the Blood Service’s ability to provide Finland’s blood supply in all situations received an excellent grade of 9.3 (on a scale of 1–10).

The Blood Service is a preparedness organisation

72% of the respondents knew that the Blood Service is a preparedness organisation tasked with providing Finland’s blood supply in all circumstances. Blood donation is part of Finland’s security of supply, and there must always be enough blood products in stock to meet the country’s needs for several days.

In the event of a major incident, such as the Espoo bridge accident, hospitals are immediately supplied with the necessary blood products, which already exist thanks to previous donations from donors. Based on the number of blood products delivered and the blood groups, the Blood Service then invites the required number of blood donors to replenish the product stocks. In the event of a major incident, it is important that blood donors follow the Blood Service’s communications and respond to invitations to donate.

Last modified: 13.06.2023