Voluntary blood donors maintain security of supply for society

Blood donors play an invaluable role in terms of the reliability of society. This week’s blood donors will also help to save patients next week.

The World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on 14 June. The purpose of the day is to thank blood donors and remind them of the importance of donating blood.

“Now is a good time to highlight a group whose small actions are so extremely important. The role of Blood Service is to ensure that patients receive the blood products they need in any situation. This could not be achieved without the help of volunteer blood donors,” says Satu Pastila, Director, Blood Donation at Blood Service.

Blood products are made from donated blood to treat mothers who give birth, cancer and surgery patients and accident victims, for example. Every week, we need the help of approximately 4,000 blood donors.

“Even a single blood donation is a vital contribution to patients. At the same time, it is an easy way to participate in maintaining the reliability of society,” Pastila says.

Blood Service constantly maintains a supply of blood products that meets the need of several days. In addition, blood products are kept in hospital blood centres. If necessary, donors will be contacted via text messages, email, social media and phone calls.

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us that more blood donors are needed

A stable blood supply is based on the fact that there are enough people in society willing to donate blood. In Finland, approximately 113,000 individual people donate blood each year, in other words, just in excess of 3% of the population eligible to donate blood. Approximately 2–3 million people of Finland’s population are suitable for donating blood.

The majority of people between the ages of 18 and 70 can therefore donate blood. The first time you donate blood can be at a maximum age of 59. You can use a quick online test to check your eligibility to donate blood.

The coronavirus pandemic made it more difficult to arrange blood donations all over the world, as the movement of people decreased and drastic precautions had to be put in place at donation events. In Finland, the situation was managed well, thanks to active donors.

“Our active donor base has also shrunk in numbers. The same donors have to be called quite frequently to donate blood. More blood donors are needed so that we have better conditions for securing a supply of blood in exceptional circumstances in the future,” Pastila says.

Blood can be donated all around Finland

Book an appointment to blood donation here.

The Blood Service arranges blood donation events around the country. These events are shown in the calendar on the Blood Service website.

Blood can also be donated at any of the Blood Service’s ten permanent centres across the country. Office opening hours can be found on each centre’s website:

  • Blood Service Espoo, Iso Omena shopping centre, Service center (level 3), 02230 Espoo
  • Blood Service Helsinki, Kivihaka, Kivihaantie 7, 00310 Helsinki
  • Blood Service Helsinki, Sanomatalo, Töölönlahdenkatu 2 (2nd floor), 00100 Helsinki
  • Blood Service Jyväskylä, Kolmikulma, Puistokatu 2-4, 40100 Jyväskylä
  • Blood Service Kuopio, Puijonkatu 23 (Sektori, 2nd floor), 70100 Kuopio
  • Blood Service Lahti, Kauppakatu 10 Kauppakeskus Trio Hansakuja, 15140 Lahti
  • Blood Service Oulu, Isokatu 32 C, 90100 Oulu
  • Blood Service Seinäjoki, Kauppakatu 26 (at the corner of Vapaudentie), 60100 Seinäjoki
  • Blood Service Tampere, Koskikeskus, Hatanpään valtatie 1, 33100 Tampere
  • Blood Service Turku, Yliopistonkatu 29 b (3rd floor), 20100 Turku
Last modified: 23.02.2023