Dominican Republic
If you have recently travelled in a malaria-risk area, please wait six months before donating blood after returning to Finland. The donation deferral period begins from the date of return from the country or the date when you ended your anti-malaria medication treatment. Malaria occurs in most parts of the Dominican Republic.
There is no risk of malaria in beach resorts in Atlantic north coast from Puerto Plata to Miches and travelling there results in a 28-day donation deferral period.
Everyone who lived in the country as a child (under the age of 5) is tested for antibodies to malaria in a blood test when they come to donate blood for the first time.
Read more about blood donation and malaria-risk areas.
Would you like more information? Please call the free information number for donors on 0800 0 5801 (Mon to Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)